Clinical Vignette
Labs? Imaging?
1st LineTx or Tx of Choice?
1.   40 yo ? s/p lap chole, POD 1, T 101.2 during AM rounds
Atelectasis = MCC fever POD 1
2.   48 yo ? s/p ventral hernia repair, POD 6, c/o RLE being red, swelling, tender, & painful
Duplex U/S
3.   68 yo ?, + tobacco, sudden onset unilat blindness
Retinal artery embolization
Carotid Doppler
4.   27yo s/p craniopharygeoma removal, POD 4, Na 128, asx
H2O restriction
If sxs, use hypertonic saline
5.   28 yo trauma pt s/p ex lap w/ stomach repair, POD 3, bleeding from IV sites, studies show ↓ plt, ↑ fibrin split products
Tx underlying cz (here, sepsis)
6.   56 yo ? POD 14 s/p colon resection, 2d h/o diarrhea, 3 diff abx for intra-abd abscess
Pseudomembranous colitis d/t C. difficile
Exotoxin A in stool
p.o. metronidazole or vancomycin
7.   post-op or trauma pt, BP 90/60, low U/O, ↑ HR, hypovol
Anyone who is ↓ BP, ↑ HR, ↓ U/O, answer is fluids
8.   32 yo ? fatigue x 3d, HR 130, T 103, BP 88/50, warm, well-perfused extremities on exam
S. aureus
Septic shock (low BP, warm extremities)
Blood culture
1st tx:  fluids/pressors (any low BP)
Def tx: IV abx
9.   47 yo ? 18-hr h/o hi fever, fatigue, PE shows bite on arm, red streak ↑ arm, pain out of proportion to PE
Nec fasciitis, MCC Grp A Strep, 40% = polymicrobial
IV abx, surgical debridement in OR
10.   84 yo ?, tx for AAA, t 102, painful urination, dementia
UTI, common cz of delirium in older hospitalized patients
11.   48 yo ? undergoing elective hernia repair, receives gen anesthesia à ↑ HR, T 103, rigid
Malignant hyperthermia
IV dantrolene, stop surgery, take pt to PACU, cancel case
12.   48 yo ? swollen b/l Les, ulcer on medial malleolus
Venous insufficiency (ulcer on top or lat part of foot à a. insuff)
13.   MC type of hernia in ?
Indirect > (femoral ? > ?)
14.   40 yo GERD, freq vomiting, heartburn, UGI shows paraesophageal hiatal hernia
If hiatal hernia à med rx
15.   28 yo ? s/p MVA, gasping, BP 80/50, ↓ breath sounds on L
Needle thoracostomy
16.   28 yo ? s/p chest wound, paradoxical rib mov’t, sucking sound
Flail chest = open PTX = sucking chest wound
Intubation with + P intubation; in field, occlusive dressing taped on 3 sides
17.   35 yo ? s/p SW to heart, ↓ heart sounds, 9 cm JVD (Beck’s triad)
Cardiac tamponade
18.   48 yo ? fell off of his bike, c/o pelvic pain, blood at the urethral meatus, high-riding prostate
Traumatic injury to the bladder or urethra
Retrograde urethrogram
19.   11 yo kid fell off play gym, mult facial fractures, gasping for air
Intubate with orogastric tube Never use NG tube with facial fractures (may go into brain)
20.   35 yo ? acute foot pain, s/p vascular surg, 18hrs postop, has pain on passive mov’t, out of proportion to the exam, tense extremity
Compartment syndrome
4 compartment fasciotomy
21.   19 yo kid s/p MVA. CXR shows widened mediastinum
22.   35 yo ? s/p motorcycle accident, 2 pelvic fx, BP 80/50, not responding to fluids
Placement of external fixator (or placement of masked trousers)
Do not do surg w/pelvic fx’s à use above tx, stop venous bleeding)
23.   Neck zones: I & III à need imaging before surg
Zone II à can go straight to OR for surg exploration (see Surg Recall for good pic)
24.   3:1 Resuscitation Rule: use 3 L crystalloid for every 1 L blood loss, use LR or NS for resuscitation
25.   MC injured organ in blunt trauma
26.   Burn pt w/20% TBSA burn (whole RUE + LUE): how much fluid should u give in 1st 24 hrs?
4 * weight (kg) * % TBSA
Parkland formula
27.   35 yo ? caught in house fire, charring around face, RR 20
Intubate, cric
28.   68 yo couple comes in during the winter, warmed house w/oven à now unresponsive
CO poisoning
Carboxyhgb level
100% O2 via face mask or intubate w/100% O2
29.   45 yo ? h/o PUD, 4 hrs h/o vomiting blood
Endoscopy (EGD)
30.   48 yo ? GERD, 4 hr h/o hematemesis
Grade III esophageal varices
31.   48 yo ? fishing, drinking beer, non-painful vomiting, lg vol of blood; typical: massive, painless hematemesis after severe vomiting or retching
Mallory-Weiss tears
Watchful waiting b/c 85% MW tears stop on their own
If can’t control bleeding: balloon tamponade, endoscopic control of bleeding, gastrotomy & suture ligation
32.   Same patient as above, but w/severe chest pain; typical: severe substernal or L chest or shoulder pain after retching episode
Boarhaave’s syndrome
UGI w/H2O soluble contrast e.g. Gastrografin
Ø Ba à mediastinitis!
Immediate surg: L thoracotomy, repair tear, drainage
33.   60 yo ? constipation, no flatus x 2d, N/V, distended abd, hyperactive bowel sounds
KUB: dilated loops of small bowel
1st line: NGT & Foley catheter
Def tx: ex lap, surg repair
34.   6 yo non-painful rectal bleeding x 2d
MCC LGIB kids = Meckel’s diverticulum
Scan (technium?)
35.   35 yo pg ? 18 hr h/o periumbilical pain, WBC 22, t 102
Surg no matter what trimester
36.   55 yo RLQ pain, ↑ WBC, suspect appendicitis, do surgery. During the surgery, you see a hard mass at tip of the appendix that is yellowish and measures 1.5 cm
Carcinoid syndrome
Continue w/appy
If > 2 cm or @ base of appy or cecum à R hemicolectomy
37.   72 yo ? severe LLQ pain x 1d, F/C, T 102.5, BP 79/50
CT scan
If suspect perf à Ø colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy
Can do colonoscopy if hemo stable
38.   65yo ? no flatus or BM x 2 d, N/V, tense abdomen, LGI shows bird’s beak
Sigmoid volvulus
LGI shows bird’s beak
Plain film shows upside down U or “bent inner tube”
Flex sig—dx & rx
39.   same pt as above, upper GI shows cecal volvulus
Surg, R hemicolectomy
40.   19 yo painful BMs x 3 mo, sees blood on TP but not stool, exquisitely painful DRE
Anal fissure
1st line: stool softeners Ø surg
41.   18 yo ? Crohn’s, sudden onset RLQ pain, suspect appendicitis, do surg. During surg, notice the terminal ileum = inflamed
Finish appy, then close
42.   45 yo ? postprandial RUQ pain, lasts several hours, colicky, had previous ep’s
Biliary colic (cholelithiasis)
See gallstones à def tx = cholecystectomy
43.   Same pt, RUQ pain, + t bili 8.2, d bili 8.8
ERCP, cholecystectomy 48 hrs later (allow bili to resolve)
44.   Same pt, RUQ pain, U/S shows gallstones, T 100.3, ↑ WBC
IV abx, then cholecystectomy in 48-72 hrs
45.   56 yo ? c/o subjective fever (T 102.5), RUQ pain, yellow eyes (Charcot’s triad)
IV abx, aggressive fluid resuscitation
Def tx: biliary decompression (ERCP or PTC), IV abx & IVF, then remove GB
46.   72 yo ? no flatus or BM, tense belly, N/V, palpable mass RLQ, KUB shows hyperdense lesion in terminal ileum (gallstone) & air in the biliary tract
Gallstone ileus
KUB shows hyperdense lesion in terminal ileum (gallstone) & air in the biliary tract
Ex lap, enterotomy, remove stone, remove GB @ same time or delay if elderly
47.   46 yo EtOH, severe epigastric pain x 1d, radiates to the back
Acute pancreatitis
NPO, IVF (if nec pancreatitis à abx)
48.   Same pt, c/o severe epigastric pain, jaundice, RUQ pain, gallstones
Gallstone pancreatitis
1st line: ± ERCP
Def tx: remove GB
49.   64 yo ? fatigue, wt loss, yellow eyes, t bili 20, nontender on exam, palpate RUQ mass (painless jaundice à Courvesier’s sign)
Malig in head of pancreas til proven otherwise
50.   MC BrCa?
Infiltrating ductal carcinoma
51.   18 yo AAF blood nipple d/c
intraductal papilloma (usually young AAF)
52.   26 yo ? mass in R br x 6 wk, 1 cm, fully mobile
53.   22 yo ? hit w/ball in breast 1 wk ago, now has palpable breast nodule
Fat necrosis
Must do excisional bx even if – PMH, r/o Ca
54.   56 yo ? b/l breast lumps x 3 wks, severely tender, greenish return on aspiration
MCC fibrocystic dz
Algorithm: 1) drain cyst. If disappears, you’re done. 2) If you get blood or it doesn’t go away send fluid for cytology and then you have to biopsy
Needle drainage of cyst
55.   38 yo ? 3 wk h/o palpitations while walking, sweating, headaches, ↑ BP (classic triad)
Dx w/urine metanephrines
56.   37 yo ? PMH GERD, comes in for the 4th time in 1 yr w/ severe heartburn & diarrhea
1st test: gastrin level Def dx: secretin stimulation test
57.   18 yo s/p GSW to abd, splenectomy done, POD 9 has sudden fevers, septic shock pic
Strep pneumo b/c w/o spleen, can’t handle bac’s capsule
Prevent w/vaccinations before splenectomy
58.   68 yo veteran (smoker), calf pain on walking, no rest pain
Before surg pt w/PVD, order angiogram
Lifestyle ?’s
Surg indications: gangrene, rest pain, severe interference w/lifestyle
59.   68 yo ? acute onset of lower extremity pain, leg paralyzed, pain on passive motion, numb
Suspect acute arterial embolism
IV heparin, then angiogram, then surg
6 hr window for arteriolar embolism!
 6 P’s: pulselessness, pain, pallor, poikilothermia, , paresthesia,& paralysis
60.   56 yo smoker, sudden onset abd pain, BP 90/40, palpate mass in abd, throbbing
Ruptured AAA (hypotension, palpable mass)
61.   Same pt w/nl VS, palpate abd mass
abd U/S or KUB
If AAA > 5 cm à OR
If < 5 cm à obs
62.   Same pt s/p AAA repair, POD 3, has abd LLQ pain,  passes bloody stool
Sigmoid ischemia d/t  ligation of IMA, usu presents 48-72 hrs postop AAA
Sigmoidoscopy (see dusky colon)
63.   65 yo ? sudden onset abd pain, out of proportion to PE, maybe see afib
Acute mesenteric ischemia
Abd angiogram
64.   70 yo ? vague abd pain w/ meals x 3 mo, wt loss b/c food fear
Chr mesenteric ischemia
65.   7 yo ? T 103, appears toxic, leaning forward & drooling
Epiglottitis usu d/t H flu, but has ↓ b/c vaccine
No tongue blade exam!
OR, intubate?
66.   22 yo ? red face & diarrhea. X 10d, asthma, RH calcification, suspect tumor
Carcinoid syndrome
5 HIAA level in urine
Seen w/mets to liver, any tumor escaping portal syst
67.   47 yo ? c/o pain on swallowing, heartburn, UGI see bird’s beak
Bird’s beak on UGI
Def dx test: esophageal manometry, shows ↓ peristalsis, failure of LES to open
Antireflux meds (PPIs), then myotomy, remove LES
68.   37 yo ? sudden tearing CP radiating to back, ≠ brachial BPs in arms
Aortic dissection
BP control 1st
If ascend dissection: surg excision & repair
If ≠ say ascend, assume descend: BP control
69.   50 yo ? kidney transplant, 30 sec after clamps released, kidney turns blue
Hyperacute rejection
Immediately remove donor kidney
Pathophys: preformed Ab’s
70.   16 yo ?, AMS, found down by friends, shoulder looks funny
Posterior shoulder dislocation
90% shoulder dislocations = anterior
d/t seizures or electrocution
71.   18 yo football player hit on lateral aspect of knee. On exam, tibia can be displaced from knee (+ anterior drawer sign/Lachman’s test)
ACL tear
72.   Know classic distinctions between:
Sunburst pattern
Pain at night
Most common
onion skinning
constitutional symptoms
73.   Kid hit by baseball or bat, lucid interval, then LOC.
Epidural hematoma, middle meningeal artery rupture
CT: biconvex lens density
Low mortality
74.   Elderly or alcoholic with 2 wk h/o acting weird after falling on ice
Subdural hematoma, bridging veins
CT head
Higher mortality
75.   25 yo ? sudden onset of worst headache of her life, photophobia
Subarachnoid hematoma
1st test: non-contrast CT head
MC d/t trauma > berry aneurysm rupture
76.   56 yo ? PMH HTN, sudden onset numbness in R face & L side paralysis
Intercerebral hemorrhage, int capsul of basal ganglia
MC d/t HTN
77.   50 yo ? smoker 40 pack yr hx, 2 wk history painless hematuria
Bladder Ca
Cystoscopy (pick UA with cytology if offered)
78.   22 yo ? college student, lump in testicle, painless
Seminoma (MC testicular Ca in young ?)
Do excisional bx
79.   Mom brings in 8 yo, had trouble breathing while playing
Foreign body aspiration
Remove foreign body w/rigid bronch
80.   2d infant, been on O2 since birth. On CXR see NGT is up in the chest (will be an x-ray picture
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
Surg repair, usu on L
81.   16 yo HS soccer kid, acute onset pain in scrotum, started 2 hrs ago
Testicular torsion
Doppler U/S
If 5-6 hrs: no time for U/S à OR for surg detorsion & b/l orchiopexy
If < 5-6 hrs, have time for U/S
82.   Testicular torsion
       Pain does not go away
       Duplex U/S shows ↓ blood flow
       Tx w/surg
Friend’s sign: elevate scrotum, pain disappears
Duplex U/S shows ↑ blood flow
Tx w/abx
MCC < 40 yo = gonorrhea or Chlamydia; > 40 = E coli
83.   5 wk old boy with non-bilious projectile vomiting x 2d, palpable mass in stomach
Pyloric stenosis
Abd U/S or pyloric U/S
84.   5d old infant with bilious, constant vomiting. KUB shows double bubble (may be an xray picture)
Duodenal atresia, assoc w/Down syndrome
KUB shows double bubble (may be an xray picture)
85.   3d old boy has never passed meconium, distended abd
Hirschsprung’s dz
Def test: Rectal bx
Colectomy & anal pull-thru anastomosis
86.   2 mo old kid, sudden onset bilious vomiting, ~ bile
Midgut volvulus til proven otherwise
OR: ex lap, detorse volvulus
87.   Location, covering, associated diseases, organ involvement
88.   6mo old, N/V, currant jelly stools. Palpable mass in RLQ. h/o URI 2 ws ago
Ba or air enema (dx & rx)
Surg if enema fails
89.   4yo ? mom noticed abd mass on side while bathing, + hematuria
Wilm’s tumor
CT scan
(not IVP)
Surg, then chemo
90.   12yo ? passenger in MVA, chest hit dashboard. Upper epigastric pain, “coiled spring” appearance in upper epigastrium on CXR
Duodenal hematoma
CXR: “coiled spring” appearance in upper epigastrium
91.   18 month old with bubble through umbilicus
Umbilical hernia
Most resolve spontaneously by 4 yo, if > 4: surg repair
92.   18yo ? been to the ER before with nosebleeds, this time nosebleed won’t stop w/packing
Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma
Pre-op embolization with angiography then go to OR
93.   37yo ? severe abd pain, starts in back and radiates to groin, + hematuria
Kidney stone
(painful hematuria)
1st diagnostic test is KUB, then CT scan.
94.   48yo smoker flank pain & hematuria, a mass overlying kidney on PE
Renal cell carcinoma
Diagnostic imaging test is CT scan
(not IVP)
95.   27yo ? fell off bike, has wrist pain, tenderness in anatomic snuff box, no fx is visible on x-ray
Scaphoid fracture
Fx not necessarily seen on xray
Cast up to elbow anyway b/c hard to see, avascular necrosis of the scaphoid can occur
96.   38yo ? R wrist pain x 6 wks, pain/numbness worse at night
Carpal tunnel
1st tx: splinting
97.   35yo ? heartburn x 2 yrs
1st test is endoscopy
If you see esophagitis, you want to get biopsy for Barrett’s
pH probe


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