I. Major Depressive Disorder:

Single episode meeting criteria for Major Depression or Recurrent Episodes. Time Course: must be two months between episodes for them to be considered separate.

II. Dysthymic Disorder:

Depressed mood most of the day, more days than not. >2 of poor appetite/overeating, insomnia or hypersomnia, low energy or fatigue, low self-esteem, poor concentration, hopelessness. Time course: at least two years with no more than two months without symptoms at any time.

III. Bipolar I:

Requires only one manic episode. No requirement for depression.

IV.  Rapid cycling specifier:

At least 4 episodes of a mood disturbance in 12 months that meets the criteria for MDE, Manic Episode, or Hypomanic Episode.

V.  Bipolar II:

One or more Major Depressive Episodes. At least one hypomanic episode. No manic episodes.

VI. Cyclothymia:

Numerous periods of hypomanic episodes and depressive episodes that do not meet the criteria for a Major Depressive Episode. Time Course: Two years of symptoms with no more than two months at a time without symptoms.

VII. Adjustment D/O with depressed mood:

Development of depressive symptoms in response to an identifiable stressor. Marked distress that is out of proportion to what would be expected after exposure to the stressor with impairment in functioning. Time Course: Occurs within 3 months of an identifiable stressor. Symptoms do not persist for more than 6 months after the termination of the stressor.

Major Depressive Episode:

-more than 5 of the symptoms below for more than 2 weeks with one symptom being depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure:
1. Sleep problems (insomnia or hypersomnia)
2. Interest (diminished interest or pleasure)
3. Guilt (or worthlessness)
4. Energy (less energy or fatigue)
5. Concentration (decreased concentration or attention)
6. Affect (depressed mood)
7. Psychomotor retardation or agitation
8. Suicide (thoughts of suicide or death)

Manic Episode:

-a period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood of at least 1 week.
-More than 3 of the symptoms below, More than 4 of the symptoms below if irritable
1. Distractibility
2. Irritable
3. Grandiosity (inflated self-esteem)
4. Flight of ideas (racing thoughts)
5.  Activities: -goal directed, risky but pleasurable.
6. Sleep: decreased need, gory dreams
7.  Talkative (more talkative or pressured speech)

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