I. Definition: less than 3 stools per week.
II. Pathogenesis: stool volume, colonic motility, patency of colon’s lumen
a. Stool Volume:
Decreased fluid and fiber intake
b. Colonic motility:
- Medical conditions: hypothyroidism, hypercalcemia, kypokalemia, scleroderma, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson disease, paraplegia
- Medications: calcium channel blockers (verpamil), narcotics, anticholinergics
- Other: IBS (frequent looser stools), sedentary lifestyle or bed rest (after surgery), Hirshprung disease.
c. Patency of colon’s lumen:
- Cancer, strictures, external compression
d. Anorectal disorders: fissures, hemorrhoids. Cause pain so patient avoids defecation.
III. Treatment: increasing fluid and fiber and medications.
a. Bulking agents:
- Psyllium (Metamucil)
- Methylcellulose (Citrucel)
- Calcium polycarbophil (FiberCon)
b. Softeners:
- Docusate sodium (Colace)
c. Stimulants:
- Bisacodyl (Dulcolax)
- Senna (Senokot)
- Casanthranol (Peri-Colace)
d. Osmotics:
- Lactulose (Cephulac)
- Magnesium (milk of magnesia, magnesium citrate)
iii. Sorbitol